RIP Kohler Street...For the THIRD TIME

C.C. de Vere

C.C. de Vere

· 1 min read
Trash fire burning at 749 Kohler Street, a two-story brick industrial building.

(Image: Citizen via KTLA)

About six weeks ago, there was a devastating fire on Kohler Street.

Mere days ago, a second fire affected 1200 Industrial Street, which is on the corner of Industrial and Kohler, very close to the first fire.

There was a THIRD fire affecting Kohler Street yesterday.

It could have been worse. The fire only affected 749 and 755 Kohler Street, two of the buildings affected by the July 19 fire.

It was an outside trash fire, so I do wonder if it began with debris left over from the original fire.

A fire is never just one burning building. It's toxic soot and smoke being released into the community, it's a fire risk for other buildings and a safety hazard for anyone in the area, and when cleanup takes a long time, it's also piles of burnt debris that could very well ignite again.

And we keep having them. It never, ever stops.

749 Kohler Street, Warehouse District.

755 Kohler Street, Warehouse District.

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C.C. de Vere

About C.C. de Vere

C.C. is a fourth-generation Angeleno and is horrified at what greed and hubris are doing to Los Angeles.

This website was built by her preservation pals at Esotouric.

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