Dear City Attorney Hydee Feldstein-Soto,

C.C. de Vere

C.C. de Vere

· 2 min read
Screenshot of civil suit against Airbnb host Vladyslav Yurov, who with some helpers and LLCs, is being sued by the city under California's Unfair Competition law.

Dear City Attorney Hydee Feldstein-Soto,

I see that your office recently brought a civil suit against an Airbnb host.

The City Attorney's office has a lengthy history of receiving complaints about illegal short-term rentals. While the problem began on Mike Feuer's watch, it should not have taken this long for Angelenos to see some action being taken on their behalf.

While the suit is an important first step, I'm surprised you've started with a relatively minor host - who boasts about owning no property in Los Angeles - when there are bigger fish to fry. There is no shortage of RSO misuse in Los Angeles, but some of the most outrageous offenders OWN multiple misused RSO properties.

And why ONLY go after the host and a few helpers? Surely the RSO landlords he uses should also be held accountable. (I used to be a property manager, so I am familiar with the responsibilities of owning rental apartments.)

Help me understand the logic here, Hydee.

If I might make a suggestion, take a long hard look at STR empire Pillow & Coffee.

Angelenos desperately need every last one of those RSO homes. The misuse epidemic is contributing to the homelessness crisis, and I know the City Attorney's office can be a real force for good here.

For the love of Los Angeles, PLEASE keep the suits coming.

Every renter in the city is counting on you.


C.C. de Vere

About C.C. de Vere

C.C. de Vere is a fourth-generation Angeleno. She is horrified at what greed and hubris are doing to Los Angeles.

This website was built by her preservation pals at Esotouric.

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