Oh, We Noticed, All Right.

C.C. de Vere

C.C. de Vere

· 1 min read
Screenshot of Reddit post on long-term vacancies around the city

I probably spend too much time perusing Reddit.

The upside is that I have a decent idea of what's going on.

I'm not the only Angeleno who has noticed persistent long-term vacancies around the city.

Recently, a Koreatown resident posted about multiple vacancies (at least six) in their complex. Read the comments - some of them are very telling. Another Koreatown resident reports that their building is 25 percent vacant, yikes!

One commenter who says they work for a large property management company suggested that they might be affordable housing units, which can't be advertised and, according to them, are harder to fill.

I reached out to them asking for clarification on how this works (in the hopes of demystifying the process for anyone who may need it), but never received a response.

If any readers who work for a company that manages affordable units would like to clarify how it works, please reach out (you can have a pseudonym as long as I can verify your story). I want to help more people get housed, you presumably want to get more units filled - it would be a win-win situation.

Well...at least we're talking about it. It wasn't all that long ago that a battalion of brainless trolls was spouting nonsense to the contrary.

Are there persistent vacancies in YOUR building? Join the discussion!

C.C. de Vere

About C.C. de Vere

C.C. is a fourth-generation Angeleno and is horrified at what greed and hubris are doing to Los Angeles.

This website was built by her preservation pals at Esotouric.

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